Monday, May 9, 2011

Emails exchanged before leaving

Date: 3 March 1999 08:57:11 (EST)
From: “Mark the Mayan Maniac” <>
subject: whassup bro’
To: “GABRIEL” <>

In response to your question, the ancient Maya (called Classic Maya) wrote on fan-like books called codices where any page could be made to go beside any page. Hey, Liz wanted to know if you could recommend a place for her to work out there in NYC. Pull some strings, you know.

Date: 4 March 1999 11:51:41 (EST)
From: “GABRIEL” <>
subject: Re: whassup bro’
To: “Mark the Mayan Maniac” <>

Hey Mark,

That reminds me of Ella Fitzgerald’s "Cotton Tail." You ever hear that shit, bro? The scat vocals are fucking gorgeous and abstract—an extrapolation of Benny Weber’s sax, then after she’s just about finished, using all jiberish syllables, all sound-bytes, no actual words, she says crystal-clearly, “and that’s Cotton Tail,” like that somehow means something. The abstract ends up being clearer than the concrete. As far as Liz I can make a few phone calls. Say hi. Are you two still fighting about where to live?


Date: 7 March 1999 01:51:59 (EST)
From: “Mark the Mayan Maniac” <>
subject: Hey, man.
To: “GABRIEL” <>

I think I’ve never heard that song. By the way, it’s spelled gibberish, retard. Look up MesoAmerica—that’s what the ancient Mayan region is called today. It’s what’s now Mexico (the south anyway), Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. You know, the place where all the Reagan wars were. Are you traveling alone? Be careful. Travel light. You don’t want some fucker in the jungle coming out and stealing your things. You know you’re going to miss our wedding. Hey, Liz has a phone interview from that ad firm you called. Thanks. She says to send you a hug. 

Date: 17 March 1999 12:47:00 (EST)
From: “GABRIEL” <>
subject: Re: Hey, man
To: “Mark the Mayan Maniac” <>

What were the codices written with? Download cotton tail from the Internet. Life isn’t complete without it. I am real busy these days but have been thinking about you and Liz. How did her interview go?

Date: 27 March 1999 12:47:00 (EST)
From: “GABRIEL” <>
subject: Not alone, with a pad!!!
To: “Mark the Mayan Maniac” <>

I’ll travel with a pad, not alone. Why were there those Reagan wars. How come I haven’t learned any of this shit in school, dude? By the way, you still didn’t answer my question. What were the codices written with?

Date: 2 April 1999 03:32:37 (EST)
From: “Mark the Mayan Maniac” <>
subject: Re: Not alone, with a pad!!!
To: “GABRIEL” <>

The Mayan were called guerilla soldiers at one point although they’re the most docile people I’ve met in the world. If my colleagues and I do our jobs, you will learn some of this in school soon. They painted all over them (their pyramids too) in bright fire red and sea blue.

There were a lot of kidnappings at some point. Oh and, a busload of American’s got jacked and all the girls were raped and ALL OF THEM were shot execution style. I think they were exchange students from the University of Maryland or Delaware, I forget.

Date: 18 April1999 02:43:33 (EST)
From: “GABRIEL” <>
subject: Whassup?
To: “Mark the Mayan Maniac” <>

I almost have all my things packed and my ticket is for tomorrow. Hey what’s that about revolutionaries raping some girls. Should I be careful? I’m starting to worry.

Date: 2 April 1999 03:32:37 (EST)
From: “Mark the Mayan Maniac” <>
subject: No more dangerous than our city, dude
To: “GABRIEL” <>

Not revolutionaries, dude. They were the official soldiers probably. The Maya would never rape anybody. You’ll see.

Here’s some history for you. In the 50s, Guatemala installed the first democracy in Latin America. When they did this the president nationalized the fruit business. They were prospering on exporting their fruit, mostly bananas, around the world. There was a big US company in there, United Fruit Company. Some bigwigs and pundits in Washington weren’t so happy about the democrazy. It was too much for the United Fruit Company. Instability in the region let them dominate and profit more than a flourishing democracy with a gentle, non-materialistic Indian mentality. So Washington supported and sponsored a coup. They got the president out of the capital, no joke, using radios with the sound of an air strike. This worked. Then they placed a fascist regime in power. The fruit company thrived on the support and the elite class fought for 50 years to keep the regime’s status quo although the Indians fought back. All of this went on under the radar. In the news was the Korean war, then JFK’s assassination and Vietnam, and Communism, and the arms race. Most people still have no idea, although Bill Clinton recently issued a formal apology. The government was able to call all opponents Commies in those days and exterminate. If you want to read some really interesting things about this read How Holocausts Happen by Douglas V. Porpora or Bitter Fruit by by Stephen E. Schlesinger and Stephen Kinzer, and I sent you Forest of Kings by Linda Schele, David Freidel and Joy Parker. This book is a must while your travel.

But, well, to answer your question actually, yes. There is some danger. In some places, they don’t like Americans (and you can’t blame them). Anyway, you have a good head on your shoulders and you’re a straight shooter so people will like you. Don’t worry. I know you and trust you.

Have a safe trip! Don’t drink the water and be careful of the chicas. Be more careful of them than any guerrilla.

Write me when you arrive, bro’.



Ps: they painted with deerskin brushes.

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